Friday, June 18, 2010

That man's thoughts on my neighbors

We have officially moved. we have left the womb called Biola. my neighbors are no longer screaming college kids.....they are screaming drunken fifty year old unemployed men. Seriously, last weekend, saturday night, I was kept awake by four people on their patio barely able to stand, barely able to converse without cursing and barely able to keep from vomitting. One of the guys basically spewed all over the deck.
It's really quite interesting. I sat there, clandestinely watching them through the blinds of my window, trying to decide what to do: should I walk out on my patio and tell them "Hey, shut up you cads!!!", then bravely run back inside? Maybe I should walk over to their patio as they try to clean up their friends honk and avoid it showering upon me as they dump it over the side of their patio onto the street below (Yea...they did that..), and then say: "Uh...Yea...Do you guys think you might take this classy little soiree into your apartment because that would greatly reduce the noise level"? Perhaps I should put on my black ninja pajamas (they are white with little black ninjas on them..i mean c'mon, why would you have black ninja jammies with black ninjas on them, then you couldn't see the ninjas...Unless of course the ninjas were white, but if they were white, then they wouldn't be very effective at night, which we all know ninjas do their best work at night...assassins you know), and skulk in the shadows, shimmy up a drainage pipe, avoid the previously mentioned vomit spilling from above, and knock them out one by one as I pull them into the shadows... But then again, i was quite sore from helping my friend move earlier in the day, and the chik-fil a I karate chopped earlier was not acting very feng shui at the moment.
or maybe i should select the easiest of all choices... Call the cops. I mean here's the reality: these guys aren't going to listen to reason..they are vomitting. The cops can come over and shut things down. But whom do I call? 911? the city police department?
I gotta admit, this felt like a chicken poop way to go. Kind of cowardly. I never had to deal with this at Biola, ironically living with college students but it is a dry campus. So what do i do?
I'll tell you what I did!!! I grabbed my sudoku book and waited it out. That's what i did! very brave huh? Yea, i showed them!!! I dominated that sudoku puzzle, I laughed at it's simplistic form. I made that puzzle suffer all the while direct my vehement energies through my quivering pencil. The puzzle didn't stand a chance and my fifty year old neighbors finally had enough at 12:30 am.

Yea,....I showed them. now it's friday. it's the weekend and they probably will be getting their party on again. sigh...Well, better sharpen my pencils...

1 comment:

  1. Hey Ry,

    My first apartment (way, way back in the 90's) I lived upstairs in an apartment complex much like the one you are describing. And for some reason, every Saturday morning (when I hoped to sleep in), "Unchained Melody" was played by one of the downstairs apartments at 95 decibels, on repeat, for over 3 hours ... every Saturday. I know the movie Ghost came out recently before this morning serenade, but this went on for 3 months or so.

    That and my car got broken into 3 times, in my car port.

    ... and the gangstas hung out below our balcony/patio each night.

    Reminds me of the good ol days!
